EVERY Day starts & Ends, safely

Senior management’s safety stewardship includes a broad engagement in the development and deployment of our safety processes.  We specify our safety goals and targets, and commit to meeting them.

All field level supervisors attend leadership development workshops prior to starting projects. This gives them the tools to actively support our safety culture, interacting and mentoring craft, engaging everyone on the worksite.  They review our progress toward safety goals, conduct regular site inspections, investigate incidents and facilitate all aspects of the safety program.

Workers observe and manage hazards at the workface, share observations with supervision and actively watch out for each other through our BBO/HAZ-ID program.

Our commitment

HOW WE DEVELOP our safety culture

JLG success comes from our never ending focus on ensuring quality work starts from a safe and efficient workplace.  Our goal is to do the work right the first time without errors or incidents.

We want our team to feel safe at all times on low, medium or high risk scopes. We do this by ensuring that management and employees at every level become an integral part of our safety programs. 

Every member of our team has a part to play, and our commitment to keeping communication open in the workplace means that no safety concern goes unnoticed.

"Everyone goes home safe, everyday"